Monday, September 16, 2013

How to Maximize Your Arts Cash with Invite and Instant Rewards

Since there are so many ways to earn Arts Cash on, we want to give everyone some cool tips and tricks to get you started! There's a lot of info, so let's break it down and make the most of your time!

On, Time really IS Money. And there are a lot of ways to earn Arts Cash: searching, watching videos, playing games, shopping, inviting friends, and earning instant rewards. So, for our first look at Arts Cash, we'll show you how to earn the most Arts Cash for your time by using the Inviting Friends and Instant Rewards earning features.

Inviting Friends

Inviting your friends to is easy: just click on the Invite link. You can choose to import contacts from your email or  other social networks, or invite people individually. You even get a personalized invite link to add to your email signature or social media profiles.

Fans--When a friend you’ve invited joins and earns their first 5 Arts Cash, we put 5 Arts Cash in your account. That means if you invite a lot of friends, you could earn a lot of Arts Cash! Plus, all your friends will be on the site to interact with.

Artists--The Invite link contains a lot more options to help you get your dream project funded. We'll talk about those some other time.

Instant Rewards

The fastest and easiest way to earn Arts Cash is through Instant Rewards. There’s a wide range of ways to earn: from a 2-minute survey to a 2-week free trial. Most Instant Rewards give you between 1 and 100 Arts Cash, but some can earn over a thousand! There are a lot of activities and offers to choose from, so spend some on the site and look around for what you like - who knows what it could earn for you!

These are the quickest ways to maximize your Arts Cash earning. Next time we'll go into detail about a few more.

Let us know if you have any questions or comments.  We can't wait to hear from you!

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